Reviews of Shamanic Snuff Divine Union

Core Information about this Rapeh

Tribe (and/or maker): Shamanic Snuff              BROWSE ALL RAPEHS


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Shamanic Snuff Divine Union

Core Information about Divine Union

Number of ratings: 74
Country of origin: Peru
Ingredients: (unknown), Tobacco
Sourced from: Shamanic Snuff

Overall Description

This rapeh has an amazing aroma, and is mild going in, yet brings a powerfully loving meditation. It has the amazing aroma of candied berries. This is highly recommended.

Further Stats


All Reviews So Far

On 21/03/2024, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Canela do Velho. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "144,000 hz octave (7.5 hz theta binaural beat) Tune into the energy of 144,000".
Canela do Velho was yet again so beautiful and profound. My chakra activation so also very powerful in this ceremony.

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 30/08/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Cabolco: Tarzan. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Subconscious POWER Unlocks at 4 Mins ❯❯❯ 432 Hz • Binaural Beats".
Divine Union was surprisingly milder than normal. Tarzan was nice and deep - very peaceful, but with some mild mind-chatter and burping. Overall a little mellow, but I feel good.

Ceremony score: 57.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 19/06/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Alfavaca da Mata. The room had a temperature of 26.5°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Californian White Sage & Frankincense. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
It's been a while since I've had Alfavaca da Mata in the right nostril, and it's still very profound. I feel so relaxed and wonderful. Divine Union seemed to have become milder though.

Ceremony score: 68.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 02/04/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, an extremely large amount of Kaxinawa: Iban. The room had a temperature of 16.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THE MYSTERY OF BEING | HEALING MUSIC".
Iban gave such a profound meditation that I didn't want to leave. It's a cold(ish) day and this was just what I needed to raise my vibration and clear my mind. What a true blessing.

Ceremony score: 83.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 10 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 19/03/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Nukini: Peace. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary and white sage along with 6 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "144,000 hz octave (7.5 hz theta binaural beat) Tune into the energy of 144,000".
A lovely meditation from Peace. Divine Union was a little mild here though. My chakras were really activated and sensed the energy running through my body.

Ceremony score: 69.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 19/02/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse. The room had a temperature of 16.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
A nice meditation to end my weekend. Not as deep as I'd hoped, but just pleasant. I'm just a little bit jittery today, with slightly strange energies, but still very positive.

Ceremony score: 62.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 22/01/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Cabolco: Parika. The room had a temperature of 15.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "THETA WAVES Reality Shifting Quantum Jumping Music Subliminal (Audio 2 Hrs)".
Both rapés were potent and very loving, and I had a wonderful end to my weekend.

Ceremony score: 71.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 11/01/2023, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: 7 Ervas. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "144,000 hz octave (7.5 hz theta binaural beat) Tune into the energy of 144,000".
I just feel so good after this meditation. Divine Union was surprisingly a little mild, but 7 Ervas was deep. Lovely.

Ceremony score: 69.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 25/12/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Samauma. The room had a temperature of 16.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Divine Union has become a little mellow for me, but here brought a really nice sense of calm and peace. Samauma was profound, and I'm so grateful for everything, including a clear mind now.

Ceremony score: 71.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 23/08/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Goddess, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
I decided to go for two Shamanic Snuff blends, and both were nice. It's been a long time since I've done Divine Union in the right nostril. It doesn't feel as potent as it used to, but probably because I've had so many very potent rapés since then. A nice meditation that's set me up for the evening and really grounded me.

Ceremony score: 67.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 25/02/2022, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Moy. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Aromafume: Lavender & Californian White Sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
Two blends I haven't tried for a while. I don't know why Divine Union has become rather subtle - maybe my expections have changed. I risked Moy in the right nostril, and it was calming and loving. I might not try is in the right again though, as others are better.

Ceremony score: 68.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 21/12/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Happiness Frequency: Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Release Negativity - Meditation".
A lovely meditation on this special Winter Solstice day, a portal for mankind and an accelleration of the light.

Ceremony score: 69.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 15/12/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of (unknown - Brazil): Gratitude. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
It wasn't the best ceremony, but it was just about as peaceful as these early morning ones come, and I feel great.

Ceremony score: 64.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 24/11/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Murici. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
Some mind-chatter, but the rapés were profound and loving.

Ceremony score: 69.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 20/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Flor de Jarina. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
Both rapés were good - very relaxing and loving, but the ceremony overall was a little subtle.

Ceremony score: 65.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 13/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Canela do Velho. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
It was good to do these rapés this way round, as Canela do Velho is really good! This ceremony brought a nice peace and hope.

Ceremony score: 68.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 04/10/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Puyanawa: Madre. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
By intentions, I had an extremely profound and loving meditation, just before setting off for my mum's funeral. Madre, the mother, is truly incredible.

Ceremony score: 78.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 4

On 30/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Visionary, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A very nice meditation, mainly from Divine Union. I felt really calm.

Ceremony score: 66.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 6

On 16/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Katukina: Pau Pereira, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
I tried the last of my new batch of rapés, Pau Pereira (this time from Katukina). I seems much more potent than the other variety I have from Yawanawa, and I might get more of it! Overall a lovely meditation. Some mind-chatter, but not too much. I feel really great!

Ceremony score: 71.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 7

On 13/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Ascension, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Finally, a lovely early morning ceremony! The new tiled down kuripe technique is really working, and I had a lovely deep meditation, where I was so thankful and so calm.

Ceremony score: 69.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 7

On 05/09/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
A loving and deep ceremony. I'm so thankful for finding a like-minded group in the park today and of course gratitude is the most world-changing emotion we have!

Ceremony score: 74.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 31/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Uricuri. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Both rapés were surprisingly quite mild, even Uricuri, which was a new vial and I haven't tried in a while. I guess the energies are a little off this morning.

Ceremony score: 56.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 0 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 30/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Varinawa: Mulatero, and in the right nostril, a small amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union combined with a small amount of Shamanic Snuff: Crystal Vision. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
I had a lovely presence in this ceremony and went quite deep. Beautiful!

Ceremony score: 68.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 3 Day score 7

On 27/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Varinawa: Vashawa, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
I tried the second of my new Varinawa rapés, Vashawa. It too is very potent, yet also a little aromatic. Lovely stuff. I had just a lovely peaceful ceremony overall, although some severe leg-shaking.

Ceremony score: 70.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 22/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
This was truly a lovely meditation, where I had a nice presence almost throughout.

Ceremony score: 72.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 20/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
I did this ceremony straight after a tooth extraction. It was really lovely, and I felt totally at peace. I really needed this, and Divine Union was truly divine.

Ceremony score: 62.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 12/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Putanny, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
The rapés were good - potent and I went quite deep - a peaceful ceremony. I'm still a little off-balance, but I'm getting there.

Ceremony score: 67.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 6

On 08/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Crystal Clarity, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
Both rapés brought a nice peace, but I'm still very off-balance today. The Lions Gate Portal is really taking its toll on me!

Ceremony score: 60.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 6

On 04/08/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Divine Union was really good, filling me immediately with a sensation of love and calm. I'm just a little off-balanced though - going through difficult times.

Ceremony score: 59.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 7

On 28/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, a moderate amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Princesse combined with a small amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
This was the first time I've tried Divine Union in a combination. I had a wonderful, beautiful ceremony, where I went deep into a state of relaxation and pure optimism and gratitude. Absolutely lovely!

Ceremony score: 81.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 26/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Crystal Clarity, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
There was a bit of mind-chatter, but it was a lovely, quite calming meditation, full of love.

Ceremony score: 68.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 25/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Cabolco: Tarzan. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
I opened my new packet of Divine Untion, and it was really potent and gorgeous. Tarzan brought a deep meditation, albeit some mind-chatter. Very nice.

Ceremony score: 73.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 5
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 24/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Katukina: Guayasa. The room had a temperature of 25.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo along with 3 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
I'm still making my mind up about Guayasa, but it was very pleasant. Divine Union was mild (maybe because coming to the very end of the packet). I feel very good and calm afterward.

Ceremony score: 63.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 7

On 21/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Tsunu. The room had a temperature of 26.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
A tiny little bit subdued, because of the heat no doubt, but what a pleasant and grounding ceremony! I feel good!

Ceremony score: 74.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 17/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kaxinawa: Uricuri. The room had a temperature of 24.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Just a very calming meditation. Very nice!

Ceremony score: 68.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 16/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Cabolco: Tarzan, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
Yes, not a bad ceremony at all! I've decided that Tarzan is truly beautiful, and really worthy of the right nostril at any time of the day. Divine Union is really good, although a little tricky.

Ceremony score: 74.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 7

On 11/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
A nice peaceful loving ceremony, but strangely something was lacking. Divine Union can be a bit hit-and-miss sometimes.

Ceremony score: 63.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 07/07/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Kundalini, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.0°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Divination Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
Kundalini was actually really beautiful on this one, and quite strong. I love Divine Union, filling me with hope and gratitude.

Ceremony score: 71.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 7

On 24/06/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Sea Witch Wisdom: Spirit Smudge Mist. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
Just a lovely ceremony, full of love and hope.

Ceremony score: 69.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 21/06/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "432 hz | Lotus Flower of Abundance and Prosperity | Golden Energy to Attract Love and Money".
What an amazing ceremony. I was filled with absolute love and light from the start, and I felt so much gratitude for everything!

Ceremony score: 77.00

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 17/06/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Kaxinawa: Uricuri. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE✧Self Realize| Isochronic Tones Meditation Theta".
This was all a very mild ceremony, but I had a nice peace and presence.

Ceremony score: 61.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 12/06/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Nukini: Mulata, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Yes, a beautiful meditation. It's been a good day, and I feel fantastic and at peace!

Ceremony score: 73.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 4
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 31/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Yawanawa: Dieta. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with sage. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
Now this was a ceremony that I really needed. I was totally present and at peace throughout and it centered me beautifully. Perhaps coming out now of these disruptive energies. Wonderful.

Ceremony score: 78.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 23/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Tornado, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "✧QUANTUM JUMPING INTO Altered States Of Consciousness✧Self Realize| Binaural Beats Meditation Theta".
A slightly strange meditation, but very pleasant. I decided to the Shamanic Snuff power couple in one sitting, and it was beautiful, albeit a little more subdued than I was expecting. It's been a good day, and I'm so blessed!

Ceremony score: 70.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 19/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a small amount of Kaxinawa: Uricuri combined with a very small amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
A bit of a strange ceremony. The left nostril combination brought a really profound peace - a good combination! Mulata was a little mild, but again peaceful and loving.

Ceremony score: 68.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 0 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 18/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
A really pleasant ceremony. A little bit on the subtle side, but a really nice sense of calm and love.

Ceremony score: 62.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 5 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 16/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Kuntanawa: Apuxuri. The room had a temperature of 19.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Happiness Frequency: Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Release Negativity - Meditation".
Yes, a lovely peaceful ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but not too much. I sent love and light out to the world.

Ceremony score: 66.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 08/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Just a really nice and peaceful ceremony, full of the light of God and all that is.

Ceremony score: 68.80

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 03/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Nukini: Mulata. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Experience GOD Knowledge 12000Hz 963Hz 5.5Hz Beyond Imagination Eargasm Meditation Music".
Yes, this was a really nice evening ceremony. I was filled with complete peace and love, and a nice presence and hope. The first time I've done Divine Union in the right nostril - only a small amount, but it was good.

Ceremony score: 78.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 01/05/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "upper chakras, mainly crown and pineal" along with sound track "Manifest Miracles I Attraction 432 Hz I Elevate Your Vibration".
I tried a new meditation technique - not sure if I liked it, but it'd be interesting to try it again. It was a pleasant ceremony, if a little subdued.

Ceremony score: 61.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 24/04/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Divine Union was lovely. I think the high temperature today is hampering the experience a little, but I still went quite deep and connected to deep love and light.

Ceremony score: 67.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 05/04/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Jungle Magic, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 16.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
It was a lovely meditation, if a little bit subtle. Peaceful.

Ceremony score: 65.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 30/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril an enormous amount of Shamanic Snuff: Visionary, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "Happiness Frequency: Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Release Negativity - Meditation".
I really put Visionary to the test with this one, and I confirmed it's not a potent rapé at all. A somewhat pleasant sensation off it, but not strong. Divine Union was great. The ceremony as a while as a little mild.

Ceremony score: 62.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 28/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Warrior+, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.5°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
This ceremony was with company, which tends not to be as good, but Divine Union really gave me a lovely experience.

Ceremony score: 60.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 7

On 26/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a moderate amount of Matses: Nu-nu Extra, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 24.0°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "5D Music 999 Hz Oneness Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Nature Music 444Hz Music".
Having just ordered some more Divine Union, I thought I'd celebrate with some of it. It was truly magical! I think for the left nostil, this amount of Nu-nu Extra is enough though. An amazing, loving ceremony, and I feel fantastic! (I tried a new sound track, which I can't wait to experiment more with!)

Ceremony score: 70.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 16/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A lovely meditation from one of my favourite rapés, Divine Union. I really need to buy more of this stuff from wonderful Peru (Shamanic Snuff).

Ceremony score: 66.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 10/03/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Kuntanawa: Apuxuri, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 22.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
Apuxuri is truly amazing, brining a very profound peace straight away. I truly felt the love of God enveloping my very soul and being. Divine Union was also amazing. I feel fantastic, and what a good day!

Ceremony score: 79.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 4 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 9 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 23/02/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Jungle Magic, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 23.0°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
An absolutely lovely meditation. Just what I really needed right now. Jungle Magic is so earthy and herbal, and really pungent, but brought great peace. Divine Union is amazing, and I need to buy more of this amazing blend.

Ceremony score: 73.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 5 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 1 Day score 6

On 13/02/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 13.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
I fortified the mixture rapé with some more Mapacho, which made it a little more potent. The Divine Union was fantastic, bringing a peaceful meditation.

Ceremony score: 67.90

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 04/02/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very small amount of NaturaCurandera: Tigre combined with a small amount of NaturaCurandera: Hoska, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
The left nostril combination was mild. I also expected more from Divine Union - I think a little higher quanity of this one at this time is always better. It relaxed me though, with a rather pleasant aftereffect.

Ceremony score: 50.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 7

On 31/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a small amount of NaturaCurandera: Hoska combined with a very small amount of Puyanawa: Masculine Rapé, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 14.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
Hoska is definitely best in combination with a more potent rapé, this time bringing about a very peaceful start to the meditation. As always Divine Union was truly magical.

Ceremony score: 71.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 28/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Apurina: Awiry Purus, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Spirit Walker Sage Smudge Purification Spray. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
As normal, I got very little from Awiry Purus, but the Divine Union was just perfect. I got a long-lasting meditation and sense of love and light.

Ceremony score: 65.60

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 2 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 24/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of Katukina: Armour, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 14.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A peaceful meditation, but the energies are just a little strange today.

Ceremony score: 63.50

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 4 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 3
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 6

On 22/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a small amount of NaturaCurandera: Hoska combined with a small amount of Katukina: Flow, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
Maybe I've actually found a use for Hoska - in combination with Flow! Divine Union however was incredible. I felt an absolute burst of love and light that I rarely feel and it was a very long lasting sensation of absolute peace!

Ceremony score: 74.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 6 Day score 7

On 19/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 20.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "MIRACLE TONE TRANSFORMATION, 528 hz, Raise Positive Vibrations, Healing & Miracles".
Divine Union is an incredible rapé. It was a long-lasting meditation full of love and hope.

Ceremony score: 77.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 10 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 5 Day score 7

On 13/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Ascend, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 17.0°C and I smudged it with Palo Santo. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "999Hz Shamanic Healing Meditation Music. Soul Ritual purification. Deep healing power.".
A peaceful ceremony. Not the best, but I feel lovely afterward.

Ceremony score: 68.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 4 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 7

On 11/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a very large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 21.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".
An excellent ceremony, despite the slight interruptions. My mixture rapé was surprisingly good in this one, with some potency to it. Divine Union was, as always, excellent. I feel truly at peace now!

Ceremony score: 74.30

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 4 Day score 8

On 01/01/2021, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a very large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 16.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
A good meditation, and I filled the world full of love and light from the root chakra. Relaxing, but just a bit of a strange day.

Ceremony score: 63.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 0 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 0 Day score 7

On 22/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a large amount of my mixture rapeh, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
Divine Union is lovely and fragrant and delivered a somewhat mellow yet calming meditation. It has the tendence is being profound at first but trails off a little bit. Still a lovely experience though, and I had some excellent crown chakra sensations.

Ceremony score: 53.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 1 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 7 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 2 Day score 8

On 19/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Warrior Heart, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
Surprisingly mild meditation from the Divine Union this time. I've found it's a bit hit-and-miss when it comes to profundity. A nice clearing of the mind though and a pleasant experience.

Ceremony score: 46.20

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 4 Right nostril score 7 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 4 Overall score 6 Aftereffect 7
Right nostril roughness 2 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 15/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Pineal, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 19.5°C and I smudged it with Indigo: Palo Santo Hydrolat. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
I've said it before, but Pineal is an excellent early morning blend, bringing about a relaxing meditation. Divine Union is also a fantastic rapé, and I had a fantastic ceremony, in which I sent love out to the world and just know everything will be fine.

Ceremony score: 75.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 9 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 1 Day score 8

On 13/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Yawanawa: Putanny, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary along with 2 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "3 only" along with sound track "**WARNING** SECRET MONK SOUNDS FOR BRAIN & BODY POWER : RETUNES YOUR BRAIN FAST !".It was number 2 in a back-to-back sequence of ceremonies.
A rare instance of Putanny in the left nostril. I wanted to conclude with Divine Union, because it's an amazing rapé! I had a lovely meditation that I didn't want to leave! Really mind-calming and a good ceremony.

Ceremony score: 68.10

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 4 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 6 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 4 Interruption 0 Day score 8

On 12/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Puyanawa: Masculine Rapé, and in the right nostril, a large amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union. The room had a temperature of 18.0°C and I smudged it with rosemary along with 2 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
The Puyanawa Masculine Rapé was a little on a mild size but set the stage for a fantastic meditation from the Divine Union. These a great blends and brought about a fantastic feeling during and afterwards.

Ceremony score: 73.40

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 2 Right nostril score 9 Mucus/spitting 2
Left nostril score 7 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 9
Right nostril roughness 1 Interruption 3 Day score 8

On 11/12/2020, for this ceremony I had in the left nostril a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Divine Union, and in the right nostril, a standard amount of Shamanic Snuff: Tornado. The room had a temperature of 17.5°C and I smudged it with rosemary along with 2 insense sticks. I used breathing technique "9;6;3" along with sound track ""Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6".
I tried two new rapés, both blended by Shamanic Snuff, Divine Union and Tornado. Both are very aromatic and smell like candied berries, especially the first. I've been looking forward to another deep sensation, and this was it. It was over a little quickly, but was still extremely pleasant. I can't wait to experiment more with these two!

Ceremony score: 70.70

Specifics of this score (all out of 10):

Left nostril roughness 3 Right nostril score 8 Mucus/spitting 1
Left nostril score 8 Overall score 8 Aftereffect 8
Right nostril roughness 3 Interruption 1 Day score 8

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